Normally, when a person gets married, they see themselves in the style of relationship that will keep on them their entire lives. No one who is completely committed to the idea of Marriage enters it with plans on how to handle their divorce. Admit it or not, we all wish for that ‘happy ever after’ scene we’ve so often heard of from the story books. We are all looking for an ideal relationship.
Unfortunately, many couples soon discover that there really is no such thing as a Marriage that’s ‘flawless’. There will always be fights and differences. It could be that the idiosyncrasies you found so attractive and appealing when you were dating have now become very irritating. The brunt of financial troubles might also be what’s causing the breakdown.
It does not matter what the reason is for your marriage not being flawless, the important thing is that you comprehend that no marriage is. There will always be those troubles, big or small, that will affect every long-term relationship and this includes marriage. This is true even for those marriages that have lasted much longer than 50 years.
You should learn to accept this, especially if you are looking to save your marriage from the threshold of divorce. You also must be aware that communication is all important to a marriage. When you have concerns, don’t keep it to yourself. Always find a way to talk to your wife or husband about it. Tell your spouse how you feel and be prepared to give a listen to them also. It also helps if you build a place where you can share your emotions without worrying about any retribution.
If you are convinced that your marriage deserves a chance, it may be a great idea to look into how you can save marriage from divorce. If you wish to know how to stop divorce, you can consult with a marriage counselor to help you with any problems you may have. For guidance, you may also read self help articles like Save the Marriage Lee Baucom.